The sun is shining as I write this, in what’s turning out to be the first real hint of spring so far this year: don’t know about you, but Ann & I feel like LIFE has returned… And about bloomin’ time!
I’m also pleased to report that Ann’s spell of bronchitis is now well and truly behind her and she’s back to painting full-time… There’s nothing more frustrating than having a pile of work that you’re too groggy to face. Today’s newsletter features the first painting to emerge from the studio since her recovery.
It’s a good one, too!
Long-term collectors will know that some paintings take ages to come together, whereas others – like our latest – ‘Steady As We Go…’ – come together all-too quickly. Trouble is, we never know which way they’re going to go, until we’re lost in the thick of it! I’m happy to report that ‘Steady…’ turned-out rather well. With every underwater scene Ann tackles, she gets a little further with the technicalities and I think she’s lifted the bar to new heights here: what do YOU think?
As always, we want to thank you all for being such an essential part of our story. Your passion and encouragement are the threads that weave through our creativity, inspiring us to capture the beauty and mystery that surrounds us. Here’s to continuing this journey together, long into the future.
With our warmest wishes,
Gary & Ann
Let me introduce you to our latest work – ‘Steady As We Go…’ – a striking composition that features a pair of green turtles ‘flying’ over a submerged sea-cliff. This arresting artwork encapsulates a deep sense of possibility and serves as a poignant reminder that we are never truly alone, even in our darkest moments.
Have you ever experienced a time when a feeling of ‘being lost’ seemed all-encompassing? When it felt as though every option had vanished? Both of us – Ann & myself – have. You probably have, too. Indeed, when it comes down to it, ‘feeling adrift’ in our lives is a common experience. Such periods, though painful in-the-moment, are often rites of passage, for they temper our character and enrich our inner life. They lead us, if we’re lucky, back to a sense of curiosity and a chance to reconnect with that which is lost. Writing in my case, painting in Ann’s. For you, it’ll most likely be something completely different, but once you reconnect with it, the world opens-up once more. Sounds familiar?
Recently, in a reflective moment, I recalled a moment during a holiday on the beautiful, relatively undiscovered Greek island of Lefkada. Ann and I had embarked on a day-trip aboard a schooner for a ‘sea safari’ and, ever the adventurers, we took the opportunity of snorkelling in some beautiful waters. The boat’s skipper had deliberately kept the location a surprise, so we were both astonished to find ourselves swimming over what turned-out to be a dramatic sea-cliff…! With the waters so clear in that spot, we had a ‘birds-eye view’ through our dive-masks, of how the cliff just fell away to the abyss below—a sight that induced a fleeting moment of vertigo in both of us. We instinctively raised our heads, exchanging glances and seeking reassurance from the sky above that we were neither falling nor sinking. The thrill of that discovery compelled us to return again and again to swim over that cliff; it is a memory that has never left us.
From these intertwined recollections emerged a realisation of sorts: that even when we’re out there, swimming through life’s ups-and-downs, we’re NEVER truly alone.
When that sense of isolation feels overwhelming, there is always someone behind us—an unseen presence urging us to press on, to cross the abyss of uncertainty with the assurance that we will never sink. That all is well. Steady As We Go…
Our paths, though seemingly solitary, are often well-trodden by others, and a sideways glance may reveal kindred spirits on a similar journey.
As you might know, every creature within the Otherwurlde Collection, is adorned in armour ranging from the functional to the decorative. Long-term followers may recall Strangers in a Strange Land, which featured a turtle with a chromed shell. While we initially contemplated revisiting that effect, we soon abandoned the idea, given the technical challenges of replicating such reflective detail, underwater and on a large scale. Instead, we agreed on a compromise: the magnificent green turtle at the heart of the painting now bears a more conventional shield, securely fastened atop its shell. We purposefully refrained from additional ornamentation, as any extra decoration would have disrupted its movement through the water!
Even the delicate streams of bubbles trailing from its flippers have been meticulously rendered by Ann, capturing the dynamic energy of its journey. In this close-up, you can see the subtlety in the turtle’s flipper colours…
While the primary focus remains on the leading turtle, a second, similarly attired turtle is found in the background. Whether the leader is aware or not is beside the point—the message is clear: no one goes through the blues alone. This one is slightly lower in the water than its companion, so is smaller and has a slightly different look, thanks to the dappled lighting playing over its hide & shell. In this close-up, you’ll find extra jewelled details on the shield’s hooks and a little rusting on the shield’s boss. the leading edge of the shell also sports extra protection. A more seasoned traveller?
Turning one’s gaze to the left of the painting reveals a vibrant tapestry of brightly coloured corals and anemones. On closer inspection, one can also spot a variety of marine life: Clownfish nestle among the anemone’s tentacles; the pale blue figures are Princess Parrot Fish; those marked with black stripes are Sheepshead Fish; and the smoothly toned, pale green ones are Pastel Green Wrasse. Even at the threshold of darkness, life flourishes—a subtle yet potent reminder that the turtle may, at any moment, look down and find proof of enduring hope.
There is one further creature to be discovered. Merging subtly with the blue-green coral at the top left is a Spotted Eagle Ray. For this creature, Ann embraced a touch more artistic licence: rather than a rigid shield, the ray is adorned with a delicately patterned hood that accentuates its fluidity. The deep, soothing blues and greens are employed masterfully, ensuring the ray is both prominent and yet perfectly integrated into its surroundings.
Why is this significant? I think it’s because not every supporter is visible… Some are at a distance. Some we see only at odd moments during our lives. But knowing they’re around should we need them? Priceless.
Finally, we arrive at the seabed itself. Drawing upon my own, later experiences diving in the crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea—a stark contrast to the murky brown ‘Windsor soup’ one might encounter off our southern coast—I knew exactly how the scene should be rendered at depth. Ann was less familiar with these nuances, and we enjoyed ‘spirited discussions’ over the tonal balance. I favoured a bluer, darker palette for the drop-off, while Ann rightly cautioned against altering the overall mood. Ultimately, we reached a compromise by enhancing the contrast between the deep abyss and the dappled reflections that dance over the shields and the coral crests.
The painting’s overall tone is blue – as it has to be – but we leave the artwork with a feeling of hope, if not joy, at the affirmation of life we see.
The result is a painting of which both Ann and I are immensely proud. We trust that you will find yourself as enthralled, inspired, and genuinely encouraged by its message as we are.
We’re back at the Corn Hall, Cirencester EVERY weekend (Saturdays and Sundays) from February 1st until the end of June when, throughout July, we’ll be welcoming you to our studio as part of Marlborough Open Studios… Our stand at the Corn Hall might look impressive these days, but we still struggle for storage. That means we can’t bring everything you might want to see…
Neither Ann nor myself want to disappoint you, so if there’s anything you’d particularly like to see in-person, PLEASE get in-touch ahead of time and we’ll ensure it’s there!
Thanks for getting to the end of this Newsletter!
‘Steady As We Go…’ might be purer in its execution than some of our recent works, but there’s no denying its power. As Ann’s confidence in tackling more complex scenes grows, so does our ambition! Who knows what we’ll be coming up with next…
I can’t close without offering our thanks to you all. Your support (and patience) has been immense over the few years we’ve been on this ride together; we couldn’t do this without you…