There’s something surreal about seeing 2025 in print—it feels like we’re living… in the future! Yet, some things never change, like one of us inevitably catching the lurgy as soon as we pack up from the Corn Hall in December. This year, it was poor Ann’s turn—a cold that quickly turned into bronchitis…
Now, here we are in mid-January, with the weather firmly set to ‘Grey,’ and Ann gently coughing in the kitchen as I write. Wherever you are in the world, and however you welcomed the New Year, we hope you’re doing well.
After the “meh” of recent weeks, it’s a real joy to introduce you to The Seed and the Flame… We’re starting the New Year with something truly special—something we know will spark excitement among many of you. Sharing this painting feels a little mischievous, as we can already imagine your reactions to its beauty and symbolism!
As always, thank you for being such an essential part of our story. Your passion and encouragement are the threads that weave through our creativity, inspiring us to capture the beauty and mystery that surrounds us. Here’s to continuing this journey together, long into the future.
With our warmest wishes,
Gary & Ann
Some paintings possess a resonance that transcends the canvas, stirring emotions in ways words cannot fully capture. The Seed and the Flame is one such work. It invites the viewer into a moment of quiet yet profound significance.
At first glance, it depicts a lion, reclining on a patch of dusty earth, idly pawing at the ground beneath its claws. It’s a pose that exudes the assumed, almost lazy authority of a so-called “King of Beasts”; a creature so assured of its power that its actions seem almost absent-minded.
Yet these claws, which scratch the soil in what appears to be a trivial, instinctual motion, are preparing the ground for something far greater than the lion itself might comprehend.
For the lion’s strength – its raw and unthinking power – has become an unwitting instrument of creation. It is waiting for something—or someone—to arrive, though it may not yet fully understand its role in the unfolding story. How often do we find ourselves in similar moments? Waiting, wishing for the “next thing,” only to realise that life’s true gift lies in these very moments of anticipation and preparation.
Upon closer inspection, the lion reveals itself to be more than just a symbol of brute strength. For it wears a golden headpiece shaped like an owl, a callback to an earlier painting, Everyday Miracles, where a lioness bore a similar adornment. In the magical realm of Otherwurlde, owls are guardians of their territories; vigilant observers who ensure that harmony & balance are maintained.
With its headpiece and pewter wristbands delicately embossed with acorn motifs, the lion emerges as an “honourable owl” in its own right: a keeper of balance within its own domain. These details hint at the lion’s deeper purpose and connection to the narrative tapestry of Otherwurlde.
And then, there is the hedgehog. Small, trembling, yet resolute, it enters the scene bearing two gifts. The first is an acorn, nestled in a golden bowl atop a bed of oak leaves.
The hedgehog, clad in armour embossed with intricate oak-leaf patterns and crowned with a golden circlet, is an unlikely hero. Its bravery in approaching the lion represents the courage required to bring the seeds of change into a world often dominated by overwhelming forces.
The acorn, humble yet potent, holds the promise of a mighty oak. This symbol of strength and resilience draws on timeless cultural themes: the mustard seed from Christian parables, the ancient oak’s growth from a single seed, the idea that the smallest beginnings can lead to the grandest outcomes.
The hedgehog’s second gift, is a balloon tied with a delicate ribbon, within which dances a rich, sapphire blue flame. This flame casts a soft, ethereal glow over the lion’s mane and the surrounding earth, sending out sparks and a halo of light.
The flame itself, represents insight and wisdom—an intangible force that must guide the lion’s strength to achieve true balance. It evokes the fire of Prometheus, the burning bush of biblical lore, and the spark of inspiration that transforms mere action into something meaningful.
In this pair of close-up views, I wanted to show you the delicate brush strokes that Ann used to capture a little of the flame’s glow upon the lion’s mane. These views don’t do justice to the original, but some of the strands of hair have been painted with a warm, lustrous gold paint that glimmers in certain lights. Magical.
In this stunning painting, the lion and the hedgehog become co-creators of a legacy. The lion’s claws prepare the soil for the acorn, an act of instinctual strength; the hedgehog’s gifts provide the vision and purpose. Together, they ensure the growth of an oak tree that will stand long after both have passed, a testament to the harmony of power and wisdom, instinct and intellect, might and insight. The oak is more than a tree; it is a living symbol of balance, a reminder that strength without wisdom leads to chaos, and wisdom without strength remains inert.
There’s more… For The Seed and the Flame is not just about the lion and the hedgehog; it is about us. It asks us to consider our roles in the balance of life, to find courage in vulnerability, and to recognise the quiet power of collaboration and foresight. In the end, it’s a story of transformation: of the small and the mighty coming together to create something eternal.
We’re back at the Corn Hall, Cirencester EVERY weekend (Saturdays and Sundays) from February 1st until the end of June when, throughout July, we’ll be welcoming you to our studio as part of Marlborough Open Studios… Our stand at the Corn Hall might look impressive these days, but we still struggle for storage. That means we can’t bring everything you might want to see…
Neither Ann nor myself want to disappoint you, so if there’s anything you’d particularly like to see in-person, PLEASE get in-touch ahead of time and we’ll ensure it’s there!
Thanks for sticking this Newsletter out to the end; we hope that you’re delighted by The Seed and the Flame… as much as we are!
I’ll be the first to admit that, at this point in the Newsletters, I always end with something cryptic along the lines of ‘We’ve got something very special that’ll be along very soon’! Well… We have!
I can’t close without offering our thanks to you all. Your support (and patience) has been immense over the few years we’ve been on this ride together; we couldn’t do this without you…