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Lost in a Good Book


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In the depths of the night, a Dryad traverses a dense, ominous forest astride her loyal companion, a Badger accustomed to her distracted state. Lost in the captivating narrative of a book, her focus veers away from the surrounding woods, ensnared entirely by the enthralling tale within her grasp.

Truly, she is consumed, truly “Lost in a Good Book.”

Immerse yourself within Lost in a Good Book.

Thankfully, The Watcher, ever vigilant, dispatches Luna moths to illuminate their path, guiding lost souls, whether entangled in the pages of a book or the labyrinth of a forest.

A curl in the picture’s corner hints at the turning of another page, evoking childhood tales rich with adventure and accompanied by intricate maps. The inclusion of Anglo-Saxon runes adds depth to the scene, their relevance woven into the fabric of the narrative.

Lost in a Good Book will add a stunning accent to your space.

But ponder this: are we merely observing a corner of a book’s page, or is the Dryad conjuring us in her dream? Could it be that everything we perceive is but a dream within a dream?

Perhaps we are the authors of our own stories, navigating the chapters of life and flipping through its pages with each passing moment.

Indulge in the timeless elegance and sophistication of Lost in a Good Book.

Our Fine-Art Prints use archival papers in two weights. For everything up to – and including – our ‘Signature Editions’, we use 210gsm Fotospeed Smooth; a versatile paper that offers exceptional contrast and detail. For the larger ‘Premium Editions’, we use Fotospeed’s 315gsm NST. Thanks to subtle textures similar to traditional etching papers, coupled to bright-white bases, both of these 100%-cotton, fine-art papers deliver revelatory, impactful images that will stand the test of time. Furthermore, we only ever use OEM inks that are rich in pigments & offer a consistent level of reproduction.


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Ann paints animals wearing ornate armour & Gary unearths wonders with AI. We ship both Original Artworks and our superb Fine-Art Prints worldwide, from the Otherwurlde Studio, here in Wiltshire, Southern England.
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