Issue #19: October, 2021

Dear Subscriber…

Hello and welcome to Newsletter #19!

We don’t know where the time goes, to be honest with you! Suddenly we’re in October and facing our busiest time of the year: all those gift ideas and prints for the home that people have been sitting on? Well, with any luck, today’s trickle of enquiries will soon become a flood: and we can’t wait to help you all solve at least SOME of your problems 😉

For this issue, we’ve got a delightful new work to show you and there’s news of a group-show we’re proud to be a part of…

Okay: on with the show!

Gary & Ann

‘The One That Got Away…’

The One That Got Away…

A beautiful Sealion swims towards us, through a magical forest. Backlit by a shaft of moonlight, she turns her head to catch sight of a shiny new balloon; its ribbon snagged tantalisingly close, on a branch.

Success looks to be there for the taking!

And yet… She’s failed to spot that one of her other balloons has already escaped and is lazily floating up into the gloom!

Life can be hectic, busy and full of, well, stuff… We can only keep hold of so many things at the same time, be they friends, gadgets or whatever might be on our minds that day. We can never have it all, no matter what we’re told to the contrary.

This picture reminds us that we’re always moving forward.

And we can only look back at the balloons we’ve had to let go…

I was so pleased with the way this one came out!

Usually, a picture will go through several stages en-route to completion; each one, providing a severe test of my patience, but ‘Got Away’ proved to be that rarest of projects: unchanged from beginning to end!

The delicate ‘fish-scale’ backplate was one of the earliest sections to be finished, and getting the lighting right was crucial.

Do you see that highlight-band across the top?

Ooh, that was tricky!

Another early milestone to be overcome, was the foreground’s balloon. In the end, I went with a subtle range of purple tones, to suggest shadows and its translucency…

…In-turn, that allowed me to adopt warmer greens for those balloons further out; after all, they would be made lighter in some of the striking ‘God Rays’ piercing the gloom.

And here IS ‘The One That Got Away’!

I’m very happy with the placement of this little detail; it’s one of those little delights you don’t always catch at first glance, but which make the picture.

Last – but not least – we have another Luna Moth…

A ‘real-life’ species, Luna Moths are translucent, quite large and useful, as a means of adding highlights into my work.

Placing the Moth in this bottom corner, adds both an intriguing detail and ‘key light’ that lifts the work.

I’d also like to thank Alison Fairley for her permission in using this picture as the basis for the composition in the work. Alison is a highly skilled photographer of the natural world and I came across her work on Facebook, in searching for reference images.

Much has changed, Alison, but I hope you’re pleased with the end result!

At LONG LAST, our first show in over two years is currently running!

We are chuffed to announce an ongoing association with Fine-Art dealer, Edward Hammond of Hammond Galleries. An art professional with many years of experience, Edward is currently making National Headlines with the show in Wolverhampton’s Lighthouse Centre, so if you’re in that neck of the woods and would like to check out his wonderful array of talent, tell him we sent you!

This Weekend, BBC News Online ran a few stories celebrating the amazing micro-sculptures of David Lindon – just one of the artists we’re privileged to be showing alongside.

Have a look:

The Private View was a few nights ago, but the show ‘A New Beginning’ is open to the public now, until October 29th.

After this, the hope is that Edward will take the ‘show on the road’ and tour venues around the UK (and maybe further afield). I’ll keep you posted!

The following Original Work can be seen there: ‘Pearls of Wisdom’, ‘Infinite Dreams’, ‘Lost in a Good Book’, ‘Windcheetah’, ‘Leap of Faith’, and
‘The Dreamcatchers’.

The Lighthouse, Fryer St.

October 9th – 29th, 2021

Open every Tuesday – Sunday, 1pm – 8pm

Meanwhile, we continue to show a selection of framed, Fine-Art Prints at the Corn Hall, Cirencester every Saturday!

It’s been so nice to meet up with collectors old & new at the Corn Hall these past weeks and long may it continue!

Open every Saturday through to January. 9.30pm – 4.30pm


Innocent When You Dream…

More SOON (it’s still coming, but I’ve been super busy!)

Well, that’s it for now: we hope you enjoyed this month’s Newsletter.

Oh, almost forgot to mention this… We hope to be streaming a LIVE ART SHOW ‘sometime soon’. As soon as we’ve sorted it out, we’ll let you know and hope you can join us for the chance to snap up some exclusive bargains!

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Ann paints animals wearing ornate armour & Gary unearths wonders with AI. We ship both Original Artworks and our superb Fine-Art Prints worldwide, from the Otherwurlde Studio, here in Wiltshire, Southern England.
Ann's Artworks
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